Rose In Vale Hotel Wedding | Gemma & Gavin
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22nd October, 2013Gemma and Gavin booked us for their "Rose In Vale Hotel" wedding after we met at the hotels wedding open day back in March. You know when you first meet someone and you just click, well it was like that, which got me looking forward to the wedding anyway, and when I heard Gavin is a Fleet Air Arm officer and was getting married in his Naval uniform, well that got me even more excited, but then when I heard it was a Cornish/Scottish wedding that got me really excited, after doing a few I know how they tend to be a really explosive mix of party people, so that was just it, I just HAD to do their wedding!!!
Gemma got her hair and make up done at her usual salon "The Hair Boutique" in Truro and then headed to the hotel to get ready. It was on her arrival that I realised why people have the ribbon on the front of their wedding car, as Gav arrived 30 minutes early just seconds before Gemma who was 30 minutes late. I clocked Gavin getting out of his car when Gemma came around the corner and so I gestured for him to get back in, flagged Gemma's car down, and whisked her into the hotel before Gavin saw her.
We were hoping for an outdoor ceremony but due to the heavy rain over night and showers forecast we were a bit doubtful, but then the heavens opened up again, so that made our minds up to hold it inside. So after getting some scene setting shots I headed up to The Rose Suit where Gemma was getting herself ready.

Gemma's nan actually made Gemma her garter all from scratch including all of the lace, I was VERY impressed! Her beautiful Georgia dress by Diane Harbridge was supplied courtesy of the lovely Elaine at "County Cream" in Truro. And Gemma chose "Hayley's Flowers" in St.Agnes to supply her blooms.

As gorgeous as Gemma looked, I did warn her she was running perilously close to being upstaged by her intensely cute and impeccably behaved flower girls, the little gems, and so after getting a few portrait shots we headed downstairs for the ceremony.
Just before the ceremony the sun thankfully came out and so after the ceremony finished we headed outside where drinks and canapés were served by the lovely Kathrine the events manager and her team, while we caught a few photos before heading back in for the wedding breakfast and speeches.

I'm not exactly sure how many weddings we've done but it's well into treble figures, but this was only the second wedding we've done where the groom has chosen his dad as his best man, and both have been at The Rose In Vale (Hello Georgia & Adam). Being a father of three and having just the one son, I know just how honoured Ian must have felt, the poor fella was having real trouble putting it into words just how touched he was, and I have to say I don't think I'd have been able to do any better. I thought I was going to start welling up when he was doing his speech (Well done Ian).

Gemma & Gav used "Sweet Thought Cakes" to supply their wedding cakes, and used the traditional Naval ceremonial sword for the cake cutting shot before we headed off to Chapel Porth and Wheal Cotes for some couple shots.

Gemma & Gav, you two are truly an awesome couple, and Tamsyn and I wish you the very best of luck for the exciting adventure you have ahead of you! Take care and please do keep in touch!
Love K&T xx