Seiners Wedding | Charlotte & Alex
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7th July, 2014Well this was going to be my antipodean fortnight as when Charlotte and Alex booked us for their "Seiners" wedding they were living in New Zealand, and next weeks couple are living in Oz, but when I caught up with Charlotte and Alex last week we had the wonderful news that they'd decided to come home to lay roots in Charlotte's beloved Cornwall. It was really great news to me, as I feel photographing a couples wedding and being in an integral part of the day will forever bond us with the couple, so the thought of them leaving to go back to New Zealand did sadden me slightly.
I think Charlotte may have had a few recommendations about our photography with one of those coming from her father our GP doctor Sidebotham at Perranporth surgery. This really thrilled me as Dr Sidebotham has really looked out for our family this year, with Tams being in a mess after her fall on Boxing day, and with a little scare with our eldest daughter, so I saw this as my chance to show my thanks to that wonderful man.
My day started somewhat early for a day when I didn't have to travel with Tams for the makeup, but Charlotte wanted to get some shots of her and her brothers playing French Cricket on the beach, something Charlotte and her family love playing together. Now I'll be honest, I'd never heard of French cricket (It seems I'm in the minority as it seems everyone else I've spoken to has).
When I arrived on the beach they were already playing, and I have to say it really felt like a privileged moment to witness something that their family enjoyed doing together so much. I could tell just by the spirit what a close family they are, and every one of them really loved spending time with each other, it was lovely to see.

Just under an hour after I met the Sidebotham's I got to meet Alex, his mother, sister and her family for some more photos on the beach. I instantly could tell what a close family they too were, and how grateful they were that Alex had moved back to the south west.

I then headed off to meet Charlotte where "Tamsyn" was doing her make up. While this was going on I took the opportunity to get some detail shots of her dress, shoes, jewellery and of course the flowers which were supplied by our friend Anna of "Wedding Flowers in Cornwall".

Charlotte and Charles were transported to the chapel in Truro school where Charlotte went in the big beautiful blue Bentley of "TJ's Cars" in Newquay.

After some congratulations, confetti and a couple of group photos, it was back to Perranporth for some couple shots and then on to The Seiners where their guests were waiting.

Charlotte, Alex and their families went to so much effort in the preparation for this wedding so I slipped inside to get some detail shots. After I came out I caught the last couple of group photos and in between them I had my first ever request for a selfy, so even though it's not the most flattering of photos of me, here it is!

Dearest Charlotte and Alex, I was so thrilled to be able to give something back to your family, and loved every minute of it, and look forward to seeing you around Perranporth,
Love Khalile & Tams